Are rain gutters necessary?

Rain gutters are more important than you think. Although they can add a beautiful decorative element to your home, their main purpose is to prevent mold and other water damage. Gutters keep your home in place by keeping rainwater away from the lining and foundation.

Rain gutters

are the most controversial type of gutter.

They are generally not required by law on a sloped roof, and many modern homes omit them, even where they are beneficial. To decide for yourself if rain gutters are necessary for your home, it's best to weigh the facts first. Homes built according to the code are located on a slight slope to keep runoff away from the foundations. If rain falls from the roof because there are no gutters, the water causes massive erosion, dragging more and more dirt away every time it rains.

This causes the carefully sloped landscape to wear away, allowing runoff to flow into your home instead of away from it. Some homes with particular qualities do not need gutters. A house without a basement or a house with excellent landscape drainage may not even need gutters. Rain can fall from the roof of the entire house and slip off the walls, thanks to gravity.

Some people think they're useless, while others will tell you that rain gutters can save your home from flooding during severe storms. The legitimate reasons for omitting gutters have been mentioned above, and a good roofer will point them out when they tell you not to replace or add gutters. But since clogged rain gutters can cause serious damage, should you bother installing them? Why does a house need gutters, anyway? Then, install hidden structural hangers on the fascia board and add a frame to the gutters to create a platform on which to place your gutter protector. Rainwater trapped in a clogged gutter or downspout has nowhere to go except for the edge of the trough, making your gutter system virtually useless.

In addition, if the gutter or gutter protection system includes a lifetime warranty that is transferable to new owners, it can increase the selling price of your home. Rain gutters are a system of channels that extend along the edge of the roof to keep water away from your home. Formed in a roll from aluminum sheets, the LeafGuard gutter hood arches over the top of the gutter, directing runoff from the roof to the gutter while preventing dirt from entering the air. If you're tired of cleaning your own gutters twice a year or having to pay money to a professional team to do it, it's time to consider the third option of LeafGuard's state-of-the-art gutter technology.

The aluminum sheet used to make LeafGuard gutters is thicker than the aluminum used in traditional gutters, and trained installers secure the gutter with internal supports to hang them for greater stability. While these locations may receive a few heavy rains a year, it's not enough to ensure the installation and maintenance that gutter systems require. Contractors install a gutter system in every new home they build because its role is to guide rain and stormwater from the roof and away from the foundation of the house is essential to the structural well-being of the house. Ultimately, all of these factors combine to create a system that can withstand up to 32 inches of rain per hour just about any rain Mother Nature can shed.

George Moore
George Moore

Friendly contractor and home improvement specialist. Subtly charming coffee geek. General beeraholic. Certified tv nerd. Unapologetic travel specialist.