Are rain gutters required by code in california?

The gutters must maintain a minimum slope and be sized in accordance with Section 1103, 3.Drive through any neighborhood in San Diego, Los Angeles, Riverside, or Orange County and you'll see some homes that have full gutter systems, others that have partial gutters, and others without any channels. This is generally true regardless of when the house was built or who the builder was. While it's true that you'll more often see high-end homes with gutter systems than without them, even some newer, more exclusive homes don't have gutters. However, just because you don't need a roof gutter system most days in Southern California, you may want to consider installing one if your home doesn't currently have gutters.

No drain from the foam gutter, the overflow drain, the backwash discharge drain or the pool drain line shall enter any receiver below the edge, unless the pool pipe at its deepest point, the bottom of the filters and the bottom of the drainage channel of the gutter foam or the drain inlets are at least six (inches) (152.4 mm) above the overflow flange of the receiver. In many parts of the country, rain gutters are essential and are essential for keeping water out of basements and preventing damage to homes. Most homes here don't have basements, most areas don't have to worry about having enough water to damage eaves or foundations, and many homeowners simply don't see the point of investing in a gutter system when it rarely rains.

George Moore
George Moore

Friendly contractor and home improvement specialist. Subtly charming coffee geek. General beeraholic. Certified tv nerd. Unapologetic travel specialist.